Becoming a Life Coach

I'm writing to you in the middle of one of the most exciting journeys I have ever undertaken; the process of becoming a Life Coach. The last few months I have been learning, growing, changing and serving in a way I never thought was possible. I have learnt things about myself that have radically transformed the world I thought I knew, experienced moments of such intense clarity they pieced together the most obscure puzzles of my past, and made discoveries so powerful they have changed the trajectory of my life.

'Study' - a word that always made me cringe - is now my favourite thing to do. And even though there have been late nights, temper tantrums and way too many 'What the hell am I doing?' moments, I cannot describe the all-consuming joy that comes from doing something you love. Something that's more than a 'career', it's a calling.

The deep satisfaction, the joyful excitement, the enduring sense of peace that overwhelms your every day life. The energy, enthusiasm and creative inspiration that flows effortlessly. The phenomenal people who are drawn into your inner circle, the deep, soulful connections you make and the outpourings of love and support that inevitably follow.

And this is why I do what I do, because every single person on this earth deserves to feel this way.

Despite what the world says and despite all the voices that tell you otherwise, You are here for a reason. You have been chosen for this time, place and purpose and you have an essential and irreplaceable role to play in healing the world that you are destined to enact simply by being yourself.

I am beyond excited to launch a range of new offerings that are here to help you uncover your strengths, crystallise your message, shift limiting beliefs and step into your authentic authority as the next generation of thought leaders, truth seekers and soul-fuelled warriors on a mission to create heaven on earth.

Through speaking tours, workshops, books, 1:1 coaching and a brand new website that feels like home, we are going to discover your strengths, unearth your purpose and ignite a spark of vision that will set the world alight.

I so appreciate your patience and support while I enter this next stage of my journey, soaking up as much knowledge as I can in order to serve you on a deeper level. My coaching calendar will be officially open in November (Eek!) and until then, there is heaps of new content on the blog including my take on the media and why after studying journalism, I never watch the news, ever.

My Ebook is also celebrating it’s first birthday! A whole year of inspiring young people to re-write their definition of success and create a life that feels as good as it looks. (You can grab your copy here).

If you (or your son, daughter, students, sibling or higher self) are ready to own your purpose, share the truth written on your heart and step into the life you were born to live then, welcome home.

I’m so glad you're here.


Why I Gave Up S*x, Partying & Drinking to Get Drunk


A Life without Limits