Who cares if it’s not what you thought? Play with what you have

Take a good look at everything in your life. Your surroundings, experiences — external and internal, what you’re struggling with, what you’re growing through, what you have, what you wish you had. Now, close your eyes, put your hand on your heart. This, is your present.

What if it's not the ability to create specific results I value, it's the experience of being fully present in the process of creation?

I’ve noticed where I’ve created all these unconscious expectations around my life and vision out of fear.

It has to be like this or else ___(insert fear and misery here)__

Cue compounding disappointment

That can be incredibly depressing

Life/You don’t meet the expectations you set - so you collapse

The trade off?


You get to complain, and others will listen to you

The cost?

Self-trust, and the integrity of your relationship with Life.

If you’re constantly feeding the illusion, you’ve made a wrong turn or “screwed it up”, you’ll be less likely to trust your own decisions. You keep creating the experience. If you’re wandering around muttering “I’m lost” you’ll miss the clues that are already leading you back to your path.

Who cares if it’s not what you thought?

Play with what you have.

Make space for the parts that are scared.

What if I’m on the wrong track? What if I’m going the wrong way? What if this is leading me somewhere I don’t want to go? What if this is a sign I don’t want to take this path, and I actually need to

And then keep flowing.

Stay engaged.

Radical acceptance of all that is clears your vision and allows you to work with what’s right in front of you.

The more actively involved I am in out working my Soul in my life, through the things I create, relationships I have and the way I show up, the easier it is for me to have faith that things are all working out.

What if it’s exactly how it’s meant to be?



