The Real Magic: What I’ll Teach My Children

Over Christmas, family and I were talking about whether we want to raise a new generation with Santa Clause. All the legend and whatever cultural significance Santa may have as a historical figure aside, my thought is, why would I want to entrap my children in a false illusion, only to break their hearts later, when I could be teaching them about real magic? What we love about Christmas and the mystery of Santa is the surprise and delight, the awe and wonder that comes from the unseen, knowing something (someone) is watching us and gifting us what we want. Those things are available to us every single day.

Real magic:

  • Manifestation

  • Gratitude

  • Art

  • Love

  • Soul

  • Human connection

  • Intimacy

  • God & faith

Christmas is about connection, service and community. Instead of cramming a whole lotta excitement into a month and a half, why not raise children with a focus on the magic they have the power to create and commune with in all the seasons of their life?


What if You’re Not in Exile, You’re in Training?
