Call to Adventure? The Stirrings of a Challenge

I have an idea. I think I’m going to hitchhike around the world to raise money for women experiencing addiction. I know I need to do something. I’m happiest when I have a challenge. I’ve been watching myself get caught up in minutia lately - little things annoy me - and I don’t like it. I’ve been caught in my head and watching it run in circles. I heard a guy called Rosco speak the other week, and he said, “your challenge isn’t big enough” and I get that.

When I was going through a hard time at the end of last year, I wrote my book for two hours every morning for thirty days. It sucked, and then it got good. I could feel myself shift. I remembered who I was, and what was important. When I’m involved in something HUGE - bigger than myself - things make more sense. It clears out the cobwebs, and brings out the best (and worst, but only so I change it) of me. I have more tolerance. I’m more excited about life.

I watched the Netflix docco “Runn” with Nedd Brockmann tonight. I literally got off the couch afterward and ran 5k for the first time ever without stopping. It wasn’t even hard. I can feel I’m being called to test my limits. It’ll be a great way to get the word out about Mad House, and change the narrative around women, creativity and addiction.

If I look back on my life, I know I’ve already done enough I’ll be stoked with myself no matter what, but I think I’d rather look back and watch myself having done this, than not. Y’know? I’ve hitch hiked before. I’ve never felt freer than walking along the side of a highway. I’m the “me” I want to be when I’m on the road; confident, clearly self-expressed. I feel like I can fly.

If I’m going to do it, now is the time.

The only thing - apart from the actual logistics - is to work out if it’s a shadow calling or not. Is this the real deal?


You Don’t Want to Die, You Want to Live, Differently


Question Everything