Your Magical Quirks; Guiding You Beyond the Limits

I was making my way on a new route to the beach the other morning, when I walked past a child crying. I felt pulled to go over and ask if she was okay. I kept walking, the all-too-familiar tug of war between comfort and possibility playing out inside me. The ancient craving for approval and acceptance conflicting with the cosmic knowing.

She’ll think you’re weird for interfering. Will I risk looking and feeling like a crazy person (to the limited mind), for the chance to have a meaningful encounter?

The mum is struggling, trying to get her to sit down in her pram, when she clearly wants to be taking in the world from a higher vantage point.

I walk over and directly address the little girl.

“What’s wrong?

She immediately stops crying, her plea for attention heard. We play peekaboo, and chat. I feel through the discomfort in my body, the urge to flee at the first opportunity, and ask about their morning.

Stay. What else is here?

Before long, we’re all laughing. The little girls’ eyes alight, all trace of anger and frustration gone.

I used to hate these little quirks and sensitivities... this ability I have to feel when I’ll be helpful, when I’m being called. I’d see someone suffering - even if it wasn’t obvious - and the knowing I could actually help, was literally meant to help them, would overtake my Soul.

Why can’t you just be normal? Who the hell do you think you are? What makes you think you can pierce through the ordinary facade of how things actually are, and bring out joy, laughter, beauty, wonder, delight? Who are you to heal? Everyone else is ignoring each other, why can’t you?

On a recent journey to the States, I let my abilities come online fully. I knew this trip was going to be magical. In my tiny town, I sometimes feel like my wildness is too wild. It’s easier in a place no-one knows me.

The little girl waved and waved and waved over her mama’s shoulder as she was carried away.

I LOVE these moments; the ones that turn an ordinary interaction into a magical reminder of the value of all living beings. I was able to change the entire trajectory of this little family’s morning, and they changed mine. I felt sad, thinking about how easily I could have kept walking. Underneath, I was also angry. How many times have I been made to feel less than because of my unique gifts? Pushed into the shadows again and again. What will it take for us all to accept each other exactly as who we are? To treat ourselves and each other with curiosity and respect, instead of suspicion?

You’re great at making up new stories to allow for new behavior. Use that to your advantage. The truth isn’t as scary as your mind would have you believe. Something that feels so embarrassing, when you’ve actually done it, will appear completely normal.

We ALL have the ability to live like this.

Even with great intentions sometimes you’ll get caught in grind it out mode, hustling to be “good” instead of free, without realizing you’re always receiving clues that’ll make your journey easier and more fun. It takes a lot of courage to continually go against the status quo, even if it’s only in your head. I can’t always bring myself to weather weird looks or be ignored, but I know I need to at least keep trying.

Your sensitivity is a gift. The spark of an idea that calls you to a particular place or person - the little urge to explore something, while everyone else is running on ahead - is You, guiding you out beyond the limits of what’s - until now - been possible. You’re gradually seeing through layers, ‘til the veil disappears completely.

Can you feel it? You are magic, undeniably.


Is it Romantic for a Woman to be Blind?


Hitch hiking, Sorority Crashing and the Day I Leaped Timelines